What I have learned about Death
As a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach, as a support, I wanted to take time to share some tried and true information that has helped support myself and my clients over the years as I/they have moved through the grieving process:
ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS- Whatever you are feeling, allow it to bubble to the surface and express it in a constructive and healing way. What do I mean by this? If you need to cry, then let it out, burst into tears alone, or with a trusted friend or partner or coach. If it’s anger, scream, yell, throw a pillow, or hit a punching bag until you feel an overall physical release.
CONNECT WITH THE DEATH BY HAVING A CONVERSATION- When I say conversation, I mean a conversation with the one who has passed. It doesn’t necessarily need to be words but can be through music, writing, or a quiet meditation or prayer. This helps you to reconnect and feel their “presence” within you. Allow the “unfinished” to be spoken, felt, and forgiven. This can be done alone in a quiet peaceful place, or with a safe and supportive person. Somewhere you can close your eyes and sit within your heart center. The heart is where you will find your peace, the beginning of understanding. This will be the beginning of healing. Be gentle with yourself, it takes time. Life will never go back to what it was, but this new way of conversation will keep you “in touch” and now you have a tool to locate and use whenever you need to do so.
DEATH IS NOT THE DARKNESS- I remember growing up and being so afraid that my parents were going to die. That it was this horrible monster taking people away that I loved and allowing bad things to happen to really good people. It wasn’t until I was a grown adult that I became aware, through Kundalini Yoga and my own exploration of faith, that my vision of this black, evil, ghostly spirit wasn't real at all. It was my imagination and interpretation of what I was taught. Because it was never discussed, nor was I asked about my thoughts or feelings regarding death, I was running amuck in my head with fear.
What I now know through years of work, is that death is Life. It is not an ending of what was, but a new beginning. Yes, the separation of not having their presence is painful. But just as life is never the same after a birth, life is also forever changed within death.
These tools and realizations changed my life. It still can be painful on certain days, other days I feel so connected and joyful. You see, birth, living, and death ARE all of Life. Embracing these precious moments, knowing that change is inevitable and YOU, right now, are the LIVING.
If any of your emotions are feeling overwhelming, if the grief is unbearable to go through on your own, then I gently suggest you find someone who can guide and help you. As a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach, I would be honored to help move you into a deeper connection. I am here to help release the uncomfortable fear. Reach out and together we can walk into a new pathway., my passion is to support people like you, working through these emotions. You are welcome to contact me here.
May Love Surround You Always,
Contact Info:
Cell: (626)367-2607
Email: KBfitUBfit@gmail.com